RUMIGEN – New epigenetic chips
Interview with Clotilde Patry (Valogene) as she dives into the new epigenetic chips developed for the Rumigen Project. Discover how these chips are changing the game in genetic research and what they mean for future the future of farming and climate change advancements.
EAAP 2023 – EuroFAANG project presentations: RUMIGEN
EuroFAANG presentation video
Functional Annotation is a way of organising and understanding the vast amount of information contained in a genome, and it’s an essential tool for scientists who study genetics and genomics. The EuroFAANG initiative aims to produce standardised protocols for Functional Annotation and ensure that the outputs are gathered in datasets that are comparable and reusable. Additionally, these efforts will encourage and pave the way for research on functional annotation in other animal species yet to be addressed. Visit the website!
➡️ More videos available on the EuroFAANG YouTube Channel
“Pourras-t-on d’ici 10 ans prédire les performances des animaux grâce à l’épigénétique ?”
Assemblée Générale Eleveurs de Savoie, Marigny Saint Marcel, (France) (8th December 2022). Presentation (FR) by Chris Hoze (ELIANCE)